Fun Day: Nur-II (03 April 2022)
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Fun Day: Nur-II (03 April 2022)
Fun Day: Nur-II (03 April 2022)
Fun Day: Nur-II (03 April 2022)

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“Welcome back the smiles that we missed, Welcome back the sparkling tiny eyes, Welcome back the innocent quests, Welcome back the tireless chattering and Welcome back the life of the schools! “

With these positive affirmations, the new members of the Goenkan family were accorded a heartening welcome amidst the beautifully and attractively decorated school campus. The FUN DAY of the new academic session began with a brief induction followed by scintillating sessions at different activity venues.

The young buds had an exhilarating experience while they indulged in games, music, magic show, puppet show and got themselves their favourite tattoos while relishing some of the delectable servings. The day proved to be a magnificent start to the new journey of the children.