Kavyanjali: Nursery (13 May 2022)
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Kavyanjali: Nursery (13 May 2022)
Kavyanjali: Nursery (13 May 2022)
Kavyanjali: Nursery (13 May 2022)

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“Make each day your masterpiece.”
– John Wooden

As children practice memorizing the poetry to recite, it links memory with audio and visual events, helping them develop memorization skills. The sweet, chirpy little parrots of Nursery, confidently recited poems in Hindi language, for the monthly event ‘KAVYANJALI’, held on Friday, 13th May,22, using their own rhythm, music, sounds & beats which not only helped them to practice their pitch, voice inflection & volume but through this, the students were able to understand the words with different meaning but similar sounds. Watching them use their delightful props added to the beauty of their expressions.

Kudos to them!