Visit to Iskcon Temple: Nur & KG (21 August 2019)
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Visit to Iskcon Temple: Nur & KG (21 August 2019)
Visit to Iskcon Temple: Nur & KG (21 August 2019)
Visit to Iskcon Temple: Nur & KG (21 August 2019)

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“The Lord is like the sun, which illuminates everything and cannot be illuminated by anyone”.

To explore the beauty of Lord Krishna and his teachings, students of Classes Nursery and KG visited the ISKCON temple.  They danced to the tunes of devotional mantra ‘ Hare Krishna Hare Rama… ‘, enlightened themselves through the stories of Lord Krishna’s childhood. ‘Chandan tilak’ was applied on their foreheads and they relished ‘khichri ‘ as Prasad.