STEM Education
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STEM Education
STEM Education

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Science and Technology have always reigned the world. Engineering and Mathematics too form the matrix of every occupation and every activity. They permeate deeply in each aspect of our lives and in the current times their control over our lives can be felt to be even stronger than ever before. All of a sudden there is a surge in demand for coders, game developers, robotics engineers, and creative minds. Thus, with an aim to tackle and overcome these challenges, STEM education programs have been introduced in the field of education.

STEM is basically an acronym for the fields of science, technology, engineering and math. However, STEM is not a separate subject. It gathers these subjects into a cohesive learning paradigm based on real-world applications. It aims to give learners an exposure of these skills and a hands-on experience of scientific and technological innovations. STEM lessons foster spirit of inquiry and open -ended exploration in students and involve students in productive team work. Imparting STEM education not only builds scientific acumen of the learners but also nurtures valuable 21st-century life skills in the learners like problem-solving, creativity, collaboration, adaptability, resilience, communication skills, critical thinking, digital literacy, and so on.

STEM, or Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics is the interdisciplinary educational approach to meet the changing needs of the times. The four symbols represent different areas of stem education which are integrated with teaching and learning. During STEM projects kids learn to interact with their team members, communicate their thoughts, and explore new ideas. Even when they’re working individually, the different parts of their brains are engaged which results in a better memory, improved cognitive skills, and overall brain health. It encourages them to develop more scientific questions that turn into investigations. Even if not all their questions transform into investigations, STEM education helps them to find some of their answers based on what they learn through lessons.

Thus, we can say that STEM is designed to find a solution to real world problems and tends to emphasize project- based learning and application of knowledge to real life situations. Many lessons of the Stem involve building models and simulating situations. This allows learners to explore STEM-related concepts which in turn will aid them to develop a passion for it and hopefully pursue jobs in STEM fields or be successful entrepreneurs. With today’s fast pace, our kids need to get ready for the jobs that aren’t on the radar yet. Who could have imagined that podcast producer or SEO specialist are real job titles 20 years ago? To do this, we need to teach children how to adapt to an ever-changing world, how to think out of the box and how to develop 21st-century skills even if they don’t want to pursue a career in the STEM field. And this all can be achieved through STEM education.