Cultivating Expression through immersion into various mediums of Art
Instilling values through family-bonding Celebration of special days like Janmashtmi with grandparents in the school
Field visits, excursions, day trips to enhance learning outcomes
Enhancing musical awareness and promoting the culture of learning through structured training courses
Bringing the expertise of our parent community to the classroom through our unique VASP programme
Creating avenues like MUN, InnoLit Ignite, Goenkan Geeks to promote student initiatives and honing entrepreneurial skills
Creating an environment of appreciation for cultural and literary engagements
Enriching the society through an awareness of different cutlural norms and a practice of global ethoes
Instilling adaptability and preparedness through collaborative efforts of UNIVARIETY
Instilling the love for curiosity through meticulously researched and crafted activities and engagements
Fostering a culture of belongingness and compassion
Prioritizing both physical and emotional well-being of learners