Page 2 - KG-Jan2020
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Facilitator’s Corner

      Where there is vision there is hope.

      Every child is unique and full of potential. The early years of

      learning and development become the fundamental building
      blocks of every child’s personality. It is our vision at G. D.

      Goenka to create an ideal environment that nurtures and
      strengthens these initial years. Our well-researched
      comprehensive syllabus delivers consistent learning support to

      the little ones.

      We aspire to provide a creative platform, which is both
      stimulating and challenging. Children learn best through doing
      and we give ample opportunities to explore and experiment.

      Teachers are the building blocks of an institution. Our teachers
      truly inspire the students to follow their dreams by gently

      guiding them to the right path.

      Children are the adult citizens of tomorrow, the future of the

      world, the pillar of our school, thus the motto of our school,
      “Higher, Stronger, Brighter” is the best gift for them.

      Ms. Ashima Munshi
      (Class Representative for Nur-KG)
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