Page 7 - Class9-12 Oct-Dec 2019
P. 7


         A  grand  escapade  into  the  marvellous  world  of  astounding  emotions,  the
         saga of all sagas, the Annual Show, Navras, held on November 17, enchanted

         the  audience,  whisking  them  away  into  the  fantastical  world  where  history
         and imagination, the real and the emotive coalesce.

             Vipul Garg, the revered Chairman applauded the efforts of the students
         for presenting the splendour of each Rasa. Madam Principal, Ms. Anuradha

         Pant also graced the stage to share her wisdom and vision. Scholastic Award
         Ceremony  to  felicitate  the  meritorious  achievers  of  the  school  was  also

         conducted. The event concluded with a warm vote of thanks extended by the

         Senior School Incharge, Ms. Nisha Aneja, followed by National Anthem. The
         students received applause in abundance for their enthusiasm and energy.

                                     Great Achievement is usually born of great sacrifice; it leads to self discovery.
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