Pre-Primary Wing Learn

Nurturing Curiosity and Joyful Learners

Approach and Ideology

Our Pre-Primary program emphasizes a play-based, child-centered approach that fosters a love of learning. We believe in nurturing a child's natural curiosity through exploration, discovery, and creativity. We prioritize social-emotional development alongside cognitive skills, building a strong foundation for future academic success.

Key Domains

  • Develop oral language skills through storytelling, songs, and conversations.
  • Expand vocabulary through exposure to rich texts and experiences.
  • Foster phonemic awareness through playful activities and rhymes.
  • Introduce concepts of print and early writing skills.
  • Encourage exploration and problem-solving through open-ended activities.
  • Develop mathematical thinking through sorting, counting, and patterning experiences.
  • Promote scientific thinking through inquiry-based learning and exploration of the natural world.
  • Foster critical thinking skills through questioning and discussion.
  • Build self-awareness and self-confidence through exploration and mastery.
  • Develop empathy and social skills through cooperative play and communication.
  • Promote emotional regulation through age-appropriate strategies and coping mechanisms.
  • Nurture positive self-esteem and a sense of belonging.
  • Develop gross motor skills through active play, movement games, and outdoor exploration.
  • Refine fine motor skills through manipulation of materials, art activities, and self-care routines.
  • Promote healthy habits through balanced meals and physical activity.


We utilize ongoing, formative assessments through observations, anecdotal notes, and student work samples to document progress and tailor instruction to individual needs.

The curriculum map is a flexible framework, allowing for adjustments based on student interests, seasonal changes, and special events. This approach ensures a stimulating and engaging learning environment that fosters a love of learning in every child.